Your Journey To Unbecoming

Are you stuck at life's crossroads, ready to turn fear into courage, uncover your authentic self, and create the life you desire?

  • Feeling something inside is stirring—a longing for more.

  • Sensing a disconnect between the life you’re living and the life your soul truly desires.

  • Constantly feeling like something is missing,

  • Carryng the weight of societal expectations, family pressures, and your own self-doubt.

  • Lying awake at night, your mind swirls with thoughts, leaving you restless.

  • Grappling with the mixed emotions of an empty nest.

  • Contemplating a bold career change.

  • Considering the leap from employee to entrepreneur.

  • Or navigating a significant life shift like divorce.

Maybe You’re…

Who I Help…

I help women navigating life's transitions to Unbecome—shedding layers that no longer serve them, to reconnect with their true essence and embrace the person they were always meant to be.

Empowerment In ‘Unbecoming’

Unbecoming is a deeply transformative journey, and you won’t walk it alone. Together, we’ll unlock your true potential and guide you toward a life that truly reflects who you are. Here’s what you’ll experience:

  • Let Go of Limiting Beliefs: We’ll work together to release the stories, roles, and expectations that have kept you feeling small, allowing you to step into a more empowered version of yourself.

  • Discover Your Strengths: You’ll uncover hidden strengths and passions that have been buried under layers of conditioning, revealing the true essence of who you are.

  • Pursue Your Dreams: With clarity and courage, you’ll feel supported as you step confidently toward the career or life path that aligns with your deepest desires.

  • Transform Fear into Fuel: Together, we’ll shift your relationship with fear so it becomes a stepping stone, helping you grow rather than holding you back.

  • Embrace Adventure: Adventure becomes a way of living—growing, stretching beyond your comfort zone, and discovering new parts of yourself.

  • Live Aligned with Your Values: You’ll create a life that reflects your authentic self—a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment, both in your career and personal life.

Working With Me

Our time together is flexible and personalized to fit your unique journey.

Whether we’re connecting online in one-on-one sessions or small groups, or occasionally meeting in person for a special retreat, my goal is to help you move forward with clarity and confidence as you embrace the process of unbecoming.

Akua’s Story…

Hi, I’m Akua and I’m proud to have created Dream Catcher Global, where I help women transform their lives. My own journey of Unbecoming has shaped the way I guide others. Watch my video to learn more.

Transformational Testimonials